We are Copenhagen House of Food

Our mission is to change society through better meals. This means organic produce, meals made by people and served with care and dignity for those who eat it

Meals with an attitude

The Copenhagen House of Food develops and runs projects aimed at creating a healthy, happy and sustainable food culture. We have three focus areas:
formation & education

We are an independent, non-commercial foundation who collaborates with professional kitchens, municipalities and organisations across Denmark. Our mission is to change the eating culture and to stimulate the senses and install a love of quality food in both the people who make our public meals and the people eating them.

We aim to be a vehicle for change, facilitating projects, providing consultancy, courses, supplementary training and much more - all in the area of public and professional meals. We are a wide range of specialists - chefs, food specialists, generalists, teachers, project managers, communicators, ethnologists, designers etc. We have many years of experience in organic conversion of public kitchens, and most of us spend a considerable amount of our time, not behind our desks, but facilitating the process towards better public food, as agents of change on the kitchen floors and in institutions across Denmark.

We are on a food quest

We believe that some of the challenges facing our society today can be solved through better meals. This is done by helping manufacturers, professional kitchens and meal staff to see the potential in using food and meals as a tool to care for both people and the environment.

Our vision is to create:

A sustainable society where food and meals create positive welfare and health changes for both those eating, those who make the food and society as a whole.

Our mission:

We work hands on and with care within counseling, change processes, education and concept development in food and meals. We have three focus areas for our work:

  • Formation & education
  • Sustainability
  • Community

Contact us

The Copenhagen House of Food / Fonden Københavns Madhus
Ingerslevsgade 44
1705 Copenhagen V

e-mail: kontakt@kbhmadhus.dk
Phone: +45 40 90 91 09